Robin's Notes 

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10 Sep 2010
10:30:18 PM

After I talked to the realtor, they told me that place is HUD owned, and it needs alot of work done to it. I don't think I'm going to look at it after that talk. I thought it was close to Philo. Oh well. I'll check the other ones. See Ya H-
08 Sep 2010
09:16:34 PM

berta told me about the property. it looks ok. check it out. it's out in the middle of nowhere. may not be internet out there yet. keep her in the philo school district. (close to roseville).
05 Sep 2010
01:22:54 AM

Thanks. You mean alot to her. She always talks about you highly. I know you will. She is my future. I have no other future to speak of. Her top priority is Jacob , which makes that my priority now. So I'm in this for the long haul. Take Soon H-
04 Sep 2010
01:20:58 PM

don't worry. I'm watching out for her.
02 Sep 2010
05:17:36 AM

Robin, Berta has all of the time in the world to learn how to live and love again. I will wait until she is ready to make that step. I know better than anyone just how special Berta is. She has been in my heart since she was 15. We were meant to be. I will do everything possible to make her happy when she is ready to love again. It is her turn to be happy as is mine. We'll talk soon. H-
01 Sep 2010
01:33:11 PM

It was nice meeting you. It's really hard watching Berta go thru all of this. She is going thru hell right now. She is scared and confused. She has only known one way of life since she was 15. She needs alot of time, patience and understanding right now. I hate that I can't just make it better. She needs church. God means so much to her. Take things slow. I don't want her hurt anymore. She deserves better. She is an amazing person. She doesn't even know it. write again soon.R-
28 Aug 2010
11:13:15 AM

Robin, It was nice meeting you. I'm glad Berta has a friend like you so close. She is very lucky to have you. I promise to you that she will never be unhappy again and I will treat Berta as special as she is. We will see each other again I'm sure. Take Care. H-
25 Aug 2010
08:29:22 PM

Berta is my best friend. I've known her for 17 years. Her family is important to me. I only want her to be happy. I'm not sure what I feel about all of this. I do feel I need to watch out for her. I guess that means I need to know a little about you. like you said, it's been about 30 years.
24 Aug 2010
02:59:34 AM

Hello Robin. Nice to meet someone who does not want me to disappear. Thanks for being there for Berta. You do not know me but I have been in waiting for 30 years for Berta. I will not make the same mistake in losing her again. I have never stopped loving her. I will make her very happy as we both deserve. G-Nite.